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Sarawak, Malaysia
Hi everyone! I am a first-time blogger and this is my attempt in sharing my thoughts and findings about "Tattoos" with you. I am a current student in Curtin University Sarawak Campus and this blog is intended to meet the requirements of my major Web Communications 101 assignment called the "Web Presence Creation". Tattoos have always fascinated me. A great deal of courage is needed to mark one's skin with ink that is indelible. Most of all, a high level of creativity and craftsmanship is required to create a satisfying result for those who wish to have significant tattoos inked on their bodies. The purposes and perceptions on tattoos vary for individuals based on their knowledge, understanding, cultural background, social status and so on. More and more people especially those around me are becoming fans of this unique form of art. It's time for me to bring you along in my quest to finding out what is it about tattoos that is so captivating. Enjoy!


MODEL Bertrand Cipriano EDITED BY Fräeulein Avant PHOTOGRAPHED BY Martin Tengeler

Blogspot is well-known as a top choice worldwide website for blogging. As a first time blogger, this platform provides user-friendly settings, designs and ways to control a blog for me. Personally, understanding the ways to operate this blog is easier due to the factor mentioned above. Most of all, Blogspot is already well-established and its credibility as a Web 2.0 platform is strongly positive in the sense of effectiveness, popularity and there is vast opportunities and room for bloggers to express their creativity whilst providing the readers with informative facts that can be turned into a two-way knowledge-enhancing flow via feedbacks in the comment boxes by readers. Blogging through Blogspot truly benefits both the blogger and the readers. Interactivity between the blogger and the readers is also maximized through the use of Web 2.0 tools and widgets such as an update from the blogger's own Facebook page through Facebook social plug-in which is allowed to be utilized and displayed in a Blogspot account blog page. All of this fun and interactive information and content sharing is served free of charge, as long as one has registered under a Blogspot account. That is why, Blogspot is the best choice of a Web 2.0 platform for me.

*Fräeulein Avant*


Saturday 7 May 2011 0 comments
Model Bertrand Cipriano Edited ByFräeulein Avant Photographed ByMartin Tengeler
Blogspot is well-known as a top choice worldwide website for blogging. As a first-time blogger, this platform provides user-friendly settings, designs and ways to control a blog for me. Personally, understanding the ways to operate this blog is easier due to the factor mentioned above. Most of all, Blogspot is already well-established and its credibility as a Web 2.0 platform is strongly positive in the sense of effectiveness,  popularity and there is vast opportunities and room for bloggers to express their creativity whilst providing the readers with informative facts that can be turned into a two-way knowledge-enhancing flow via feedbacks in the comment boxes by readers. Blogging through Blogspot truly benefits both the blogger and the readers. Interactivity between the blogger and the readers is also maximized through the use of Web 2.0 tools and widgets such as an update from the blogger's own Facebook page through Facebook social plug-in which is allowed to be utilized and displayed in a Blogspot account blog page. All of this fun and interactive information and content sharing is served free of charge, as long as one has registered under a Blogspot account. That is why, Blogspot is the best choice of a Web 2.0 platform for me.
*Fräeulein Avant*

Painful Pleasure

Wednesday 23 March 2011 0 comments
TATTOO is an art for self-expression.

As much as the society has various generalizations towards this form of art, yet it is becoming more popular and well-accepted by the day. People want tattoos, people paint tattoos, it is functioning mutually for both the tattoo parlors and the customer.

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